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Geralt of rivera

Chronically ill, left leg right arm

grip loss.

witcher alternite design

Designing historically accurate inspired mobility splints for geralt

mainly using wood and spring with thick leather to tighten causign restraints for restriction.

Adding a slip for his hand on grip and making it rigged to help him hold it.

Link has mutism
and probably uses
japanese sign langauge


link teaching jsl

Barbra gordon

 L5 paralysation

wheelchair user

chariot Barbra gordon  3rd level paralysation  wheelchair user

Desgining a combat chair  inculding a purisut chair as these wheelchairs have been know to achieve 80km with just manual powe, both based off real types in world and creatitivy for person of her condition to still fight crime.

(and an actual reason she wouldnt have basic breaks)

Chariot combat chair design page

Someone with her level of paralyzation would have atrophy devolp and her body would require more reinforcement armour in select places. As it cna be seeing there is nothing wrong with showing atrophy on a hero its happens.

barbra outfit design page
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