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a city done as a wood cut a whale daughter still bound to her mother as the king comes to feast

exclusive poster for the wicked forever king hungers kickstarter 

Cover for 
generations ttrpg

ship drifting in space

Tarot card for Plight of the North Sky

the third eye a tarot card showing a an eye the efelctive nature of it
gerodi la forge as he should with accurate eyes for his level of blindness
grey figure kissing lover knee as they remove they mobilty splints
a red canyon study
a druid
a bard
a ranger
a warlock
a wizard
a sorcerer
a cleric


a paladin
a hand where all  uscles and bone are ade of worms
a pirate queen summoning the sea to her hand
dooku seeing both the dark side agasitn his light in anger
coldren retriving food cake from oven
Client: truehippy dms guild
mermaid attaching new prosthesis
map of slythernath
the tirdygrade aka disease cow
viened claymore
a thistle scottih basket sword
a sword of bismuth
priate kenku basking in light
chariot driving racing chair ooff bridge

Client: Gym reaper fitness ltd

gym reaper ftness ltd inside bearded skulll be your own reaper

Clients twitch

sleepless slayde

computer screen robot head for streamer truehippy
tired eye for streamer sleepless slayde
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